28 August 2008

Law quote of the week.

The case this quote is brought to you on is brought to you by my contracts class. In this case the plaintiff is suing the defendant to force the defendant to make good on a contract. The plaintiff says that he bought a farm from the defendant for 50k, and the defendant claims that he was drunk and joking when he wrote out the contract. Just a note both he and his wife were at the bar and signed the contract. The defendant says he "[W]as high as a Georgia pine" and that the transaction "[W]as just a bunch of of two doggoned drunks bluffing to see who could talk the biggest and say the most." As you can guess this defense did not hold up in court and he lost the farm.

1 comment:

GeorgeCostanza'sNumberOneFan said...

glad you're learning something that's blog worthy. how are your studies going? give me a call sometime.
- George C. is my hero.