31 March 2008

I Can Has Earth Hour

I am not sure how many of you out there participated in Earth Hour but I had a fun. For those of you who some how manged to not hear about it, individuals and businesses around the world tuned of their power from 8-9 in the pm. I know that in San-Fran the Golden Gate Bridge participated and building in downtown Chicago did their duty as well. Two of my three roommates participated, turning off everything we own. I tried to unplug the fridge but I was vetoed by everyone else. I stared to cook dinner about five minutes before lites out so I had to finish via candle-light. It was me, my lady friend and roommate cooking this food. I decided that before electricity the likelihood of cutting oneself when cooking was higher. Is lighting up a menorah when it is not channuakah sac religious? Because I did not have that many other candles and had to pull it out of storage. Besides dripping wax all over the place it was a very pleasant experience. We just sat around eating and telling stories by candle light.

1 comment:

El Capitan! said...

That sounds like a lovely evening. Turning off you rfridge for an hour is fine if you don;t open the door too much.