22 February 2019

Viagra or Cialis

I joked with my friends that Robert Kraft probably took Cialis or Viagra for his “massage” for which he got busted today. Even if not true, if winning a Super Bowl at 77 means you don’t need Cialis or Viagra to get it up. Pfizer or Lilly should use Robert Kraft in as a featured spokesman in a new commercial.

Robert Kraft says: “When you go to the “massage” parlor and want the extra special happy ending. You want to make sure you get your money’s worth, take “Cialis”. Satisfaction guarantee or your money back.” Disclaimer: In most states prostitution is illegal, if you happen to go when the undercover agents are making a bust, it might ruin your reputation, embarrass your wife and family, and not be that very happy of an ending after all.

Kraft is friends with Donald Trump. Trump has an opportunity to help out his friend. In the past couple of years, we’ve legalized marijuana, and sports betting. Maybe we can legalize prostitution as well?

When I am 77 and my team wins the Super Bowl, if I want to have sex with a young, attractive woman to celebrate, I might not want to divorce my wife and marry a gold digger. I might just want to go the massage parlor and pay less than desperate fools pay at a strip club, and have a discrete rendezvous with an attractive, younger woman. (Maybe I'll prefer being with a forty something then. And I'll not want to worry about being arrested for paying for sex, and be the big, embarrassing news story of the day.)

The problem with prostitution isn’t that men are paying women for sex, (Money is better spent on experiences than things, right?)  It is that some of the women aren’t really women, they are under 18, and many of both the woman and girls, are not there voluntarily. Then there’s the whole pimp thing, and madam thing, and many of the women prostituting don’t get their fair share of the wages earned either. (You know the wage gap is a big problem in the sex industry, right, being that women pretty much deserve all the money, and may not be paid accordingly.)

By legalizing prostitution, a la Nevada. (each state can decide whether to legalize it or not- just like sports betting and weed) as a society we can better solve the whole human trafficking side of prostitution, and men can legally visit a brothel, when they are 77 to celebrate a Super Bowl win and not get arrested and make front page news.

Of course, if we tax the shit out of it, then most of it will stay underground. Just like weed has in California, and that will defeat the purpose. 

Trump help out your buddy Kraft, and make prostitution legal. I can totally see you running a brothel. You would promise, “only 9’s or 10’s here”, but once one paid, you'd bring women that were only 4s and 5s. (You being the “good” businessman.)

 I am only 43 now, so I am pretty sure prostitution will be legal when I am 77, I am more worried about global warming and massive storms and droughts, and I am sure that will be true when I am 77 too, but Trump your legacy:

A president that sleeps with porn stars and Playboy Playmates, and marries models would be a fitting president to make prostitution legal. Make pot and prostitution legal federally and I’ll support you to help you build your very, very important wall. (Who really cares that much about those Mexican wolves and other animals that might need to go back and forth across the border now, right?)


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