15 November 2007

40 days and 40 nights

Some movies inspire you because they are deep. Some surprise you. Others are out to get a tear, letting you cry away your sorrows. some a belly full of laughs.

But I don't think 40 days and 40 nights, starring Josh Hartnett, is deep, surprising, tear-jerking, and while it is funny, doesn't make your belly hurt. it is really suppose to be just enjoyable (which is probably why it has so many sex scenes). It was on tv last night.

I'm pretty sure this upcoming fact is intended. perhaps even the point of the movie. 40... presents a world, SF, where everyone is on the same page. Everyone knows the bagel guy. Everyone finds out about Josh's pledge of abstinence. All the guys and girls are all betting on when he will give into his masculine desires. Even how it will happen (will there be a lucky lady involved?). There is just so much love (and togetherness) in the movie. It creates like this utopian world of the young, where everyone is actually living in the same world, or at least social circle, having a good time and getting laid. Maybe that's how it is for the cool people. while the rest of us are stuck in our own unique.... unpleasant place.

coming back to the Bay Area from DC. I feel like I left the world, where I was more or less apart of it to move back to SF, where I am in my own unique, unpleasant place. In DC, it just kind of happened organically that I became apart of the goings on. it certainly helped to have housemates and be on a friendly swimming team. not that I didn't have problems, but I think there is just a mindset shift, when you think you are a part of a larger group, than when you feel like you are alone or just have a few friends . In fact, I don't think anything physical or real has to shift, for my mind to go from feeling isolated to feeling apart of it. Watching 40 days, made me realize what exactly I was missing. To be honest, I found it inspiring. Am I alone here?


El Capitan! said...

Definitely everyone feels lonely soemtimes. Hollywood makes it all seem simple, but really it's always complicated and difficult. It usually takes 1-2 years before your feel settled anywhere. It's interesting that this movie inspired you to be okay with that. Maybe it is a secretly profound work.

Evil Spock said...

Evil Spock has your placebo:


JLee said...

Inspiring might be a stretch, but then again, I haven't seen it, so who knows? Ok, now I'm going to have to rent it and see for myself...

El Capitan! said...

ES: Yes Facebook is better than heroin (if memory serves). Check out our scrabble game. I am on to you.

JL: I may just have to netflix it too, if Mrs. Captain doesn't nix it from the cue before it arrives (I have been trying to get "Freddy Got Fingered" mailed to me for a year). But I am not holding my breath. Personally, I recommend , if you haven't already seen it. It is the best movie since I don't know when. It is a "message" film, it is sort of a love story, it has more action than most cops/robbers flicks, yet it is based on a true story.

El Capitan! said...

"City of God" is the movie I meant to type above.

Evil Spock said...

City of God is the gangster Brazilian flick, right? That movie is brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is my favorite movie. "Bladerunner" used to be my favorite, but there is no way to describe "City of God" other than "fucking aweseome!"

Evil Spock said...

I cringed when they executed that kid.