29 January 2007

State Of Our Union, Or President Bush: Retard or Asshole?

I assume that everyone watched the State of the Union to listen to all the new ideas that President Bush wished to spoon feed us like regurgitation from a mother Dodo bird. I wish that our president was narcoleptic. That might be the only thing that could get me to watch him for more then two minutes at a time; it would turn misery into comedy. I am not going to get into the Iraq policy because I have no idea how that is going down (in flames). I want to discuss his plans for energy. He is pushing for hydrogen, coal and ethanol, instead of wind, thermal and solar. Where do I begin...

"We need to press on with battery research for plug-in and hybrid vehicles"
Apparently the president envisions a time when people will be able to plug in their cars in their garages. This makes me think that he did not see the excellent documentary Who Killed the Electric Car?, otherwise he would know that this already exists!!!

We are also told by scientists that hydrogen cells are at least 15 years away. Which leads us to the next winner: ethanol. One could argue that Brazil uses sugar cane for 40% of their vehicle fuel. Too bad corn is a shitty substitute as a bio fuel that only breaks even between energy used and energy produced. See Scientific American Jan 2007 p.42.

What is there to even say about coal? I will let you guys figure that one out. This leaves me to belive that our President's alternative energy policy is designed to fail. He is either unaware of this (retard) or in the pocket of the Oil and Car industries (asshole). Actually, I put my money on him being a retard and an asshole, and that is that.

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