After envying both Tila Tequila and Brett Michaels...
I'll star in my own show:
I'll star in my own show:
"a balding, short, athletic, former high school math whiz and varsity wrestler, underemployed, 31 year old Yale reject with aspirations for the White House looking for a Lady"
I would have some Hill staffers, Grammar School Teachers, and other hot, smart women, aged 26-31 who wouldn't mind being the First Lady... (in twenty five or thirty years). ok, having a reality dating show and looking for a lady, might not be a good idea. Given how much action I hope to get by having a reality show, it would give my opponents too much ammo to smear me in the eventual campaign, that, or I don't get any action, then I'm sure my show won't make it to the air.
Either way, I'd still do it. It's probably even better than being Prez.
If you are a reality show producer... MM (well formerly MM, she got married), that's you. give me a call, maybe we can make some sort of deal. (my friend's sister, MM, actually works on these things.)
unfortunately, she doesn't read this blog. My next posting, my presidential platform.
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