I just got back from Bloomington, IN. Visiting family always treats me well, whether it is in Bloomington, New Haven or Philly. Family always gives me the extra spark, that battery recharge to add spice to my otherwise somewhat-stale-but-getting-better living-at-home existence in Cali.
Something else that Indiana has going for it. It always seems easier to talk to people in bars in Indiana; not only that but IU attracts some hotties, including one I talked to named Amanda. "Amandas" are always hot. What (or should I say why) do only hot moms name their daughters “Amanda”? It’s gotten to the point that even when an Amanda is not that hot, which is very rare, I look to find the hotness that must be hidden somewhere in her that I’m just missing. Usually it’s not very hard to find.
Every visit, every experience always provides some unexpected surprise, and now that the Captain has relocated here, my visit began with high expectations. And no, the surprise wasn't that I enjoyed watching "The Princess Diaries" (I had already watched "Alfie", the only other DVD at my aunt’s house and didn't feel like reading. It was that or watching PBS). I guess I'm not much of an intellectual; more of a romantic, kinda of pathetic sentimentalist apparently. Anne Hathaway looks really hot (after the whole princess makeover). I know in the movie her character is 15, but I checked her IMDB page and she was 18 when the film was released.
The unexpected surprise was.... No, no, I'm waiting till Evil Spock blogs about the "surprise" first. It did involve crashing parties, getting free drinks and even (better) getting freaked by hot college girls, but it was much more than that. There is a link to his evil, evil blog on our blog roll. I’m getting impatient, but it's his thing to blog about, at least, first. Check his blog daily. You won't be disappointed.
I'm going to have that post up soon. I need to get with your colleague and get pics from him.
I segued you into that conversation with Amanda! I guess thats why you bought the Denny's!
Possibly, men who marry attractive women like the name Amanda. Apparently, it coems from the Latin for "easy to love", so that makes sense that they would be hot.
Very good post. I like your conversational style. I hope you don;t mind that I added a title and tags and cleaned up your HTML a little. I would be happy to show how to do it yourself, or I can just edit it after you post.
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