A brief posting here. GCNOF just joined facebook. He checked out the site and was reminded of why he was hesitant to join, but also impressed with what it could do. I dislike that I interact with people over the computer. it's not satisfying, almost comparable to the difference between looking at porn versus going to a strip club and getting a lap dance... or for those lucky blogs, actually having sex.
Of course it's great to be in touch with everyone I've ever known. But I'm also well aware now of exactly how many of my old acquaintances still consider me a friend. I like imagining that everyone I still consider a friend, but haven't heard from in awhile is just busy and lost touch, but still considers me a friend. Before joining facebook, I could lie to myself. With facebook you find out who just doesn't want you in your life anymore, when they post pictures about the party or event which they went to without you.
On the bright side, someone did invite me to join facebook, and I have, I think, five friends on the site. Maybe I just need to invite more people to be friends and face my fear of rejection. Does that happen? You ask someone to be your Facebook friend and then they decline? I guess I'll have to find out the hard way. Because I keep my facebook life and my blog life separate, there will be no link to my facebook page on this site.
Who knows...after I face my fear of rejection over the internet, perhaps I can muster enough courage to ask out that hottie at the swimming pool.
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