Note: some of this content may be offensive. If you think it is over the line, please let me know. Young readers should be reading Dr. Suess and not this. Older readers, but not yet adults, may find enjoyment in the Crazy Horse Electric Game, Stotan, S.E. Hinton's books, starting with the Outsiders, or other books for Young Adults-i.e Teenagers. Those trying to get into college, should read prose with bigger vocab words, such as books, by Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Kurt Vonnegut, D.H. Lawrence, James Joyce, among other serious novelists Those that only need to retake the SAT score, out of bets that they can repeat their perfect score and others with a B.A. can continue to read. Those still working on a BA or BS degree may should read with the following with discretion. And should stop if they feel melancholic or disenchanted.
First off, a lot has happened in my life over the past several months. At one point, I wanted to be a blogger-well really, I wanted to be a writer-who aspires to just blog? A writer that would write about anything and everything that has happened to him, to be able to write about the thoughts that if said, would make me cool, but if unsaid, make me awkward. (At least that's what I tell myself.) But since I realize, I may never have the guts to say things, at least I can write about... what I would say, if I was actually cool. I guess at my age, with my hairline, cool might be too high an aim. What's between being cool and a total loser? Alright? Ok, I hope to be alright.
So first the euphemism. You know why Macs are better than PCs? Well as Avenue Q says, "the Internet is for %&#". Well in a moment of weakness, during my finals week, while home with a project due and a final to study for, I put the web browser on private and... Low and behold caught some malware. I had thought you know with the internet at least you can't catch anything. Lo and behold, I caught, a virus. Hopefully, it is one that is curable.
All this time, I've been doing my "private" web viewing on a Mac and thought that all "private" red-district web browsing was safe, no harm no foul-safer than a bar. Who would know that you are probably less likely to catch a virus going to a bar and picking up some random woman, as long as you use protection, rather than visiting the "red-light district" on your PC. Pay $500 dollars more for a Mac to visit adult sites on a Mac without even needing to thing about safe procreation. They should put that in a Mac ad- at least in Playboy and other adult magazines. Buy a Mac and surf the internet's red-light districts and back alleys without fear or need of protection! The web on a Mac is like your (STD-free) girlfriend or wife on birth-control! No Protection needed!
Secondly, the occupy movement. Don't these people have jobs! Or they must have had them and are now living off their savings? I don't have savings, I've got schoolwork and I need to find a job. Yes, things aren't fair. But I've got to establish myself (at least financially, and maybe socially) in our society, and I don't have time to camp in a city park. If I'm going to go camping, I'm probably going to somewhere peaceful, serene, with good views. The only reason I'd go to the occupy camps would be to hook up with hippie chicks, but I've got a girlfriend. But, I do hear there is a lot of adult-only type activities going on in those camps.
The real positives about the occupy movement is that people are not talking about the tea party movement, at least as much. There is a Yang to the Tea Party's Yin. So, for this reason, I think the occupy movement has done a good job.
But stopping shipments to the port of Oakland, and other ports, really? I hope you aren't hurting a lot of people by doing that. You think the 1% can survive, a day without a port to unload packages? so do I. It is the 99% people that might be hurt- the small business owners. When you smash a Men's Warehouse window- you think George Zimmer, President of Men's Warehouse has to clean the glass and put in a new window? Or you think the store salesman, who makes less, and is paid based on commission-i.e. his own production, or the cleaning people- who might be illegals and are paid maybe minimum wage, clean up the broken glass and are affected by your attempt to harm the 1%. As if men in the 1% buy their suits at the Men's Warehouse!
I know what you'll say in response to this. That wasn't the occupy movement, that was the anarchists. They just see this as an opportunity for violence.
It's too bad the anarchists are smart enough to avoid getting pepper sprayed, unlike the UC Davis students. Just because the authority figures are wrong though. I.e. the police using too much force to distrupt the movement, doesn't make the occupy movement right. Two fools fighting are still two fools. One bad guy (authority figures using pepper spray unnecessarily) doesn't make the other good (the occupy movement).
But two movements on the opposite side of the political spectrum, does gives us some balance. A Yin and a Yang, no taxes vs. equal income, which is a good result of the occupy movement.
As I mentioned early, I've been too busy, completing my school work and looking for a job. But I guess in my self-interest, I should be happy about the Occupy movement, besides just on principle. People in the occupy movement, are not competing for the jobs I'm applying to, so for that I am thankful. Maybe I should hope more people join the occupy movement, at least until I, and every one else who would rather work, rather than camp in a city park and pretend they are part of a commune, occupy jobs.
As you probably guess, I will try, but not suceed in writing another blog before 2012, so on that note: Happy 2012! Obama in 2012! My wish for 2012 is the that Obama gets bigger..., hmmm. is a euphemism, really needed here, or does every Democrat know what Obama needs? I don't care which way Obama goes, center or left, as long as he goes there big.
Not trying to be cool, just trying to be alright.
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