This is kind of a funny shirt that someone made for Glenn Beck's defamatory Honkey Ashram, according to TPM. In context it has racist undertones: like blacks and other minorities have it so good in America, where is the federally designated slice of the pie for poor white people? But taken at face value, it is a slogan I can get behind. I do believe America is a place where people who are economically, culturally and educationally marginalized should still have a place at the table. Even shit-kicker high school dropouts who might be prone to using the pronoun "y'all" during a job interview still deserve healthcare, clean air, decent working conditions, a home to call their own, peace... and the list could go on of things that America does pretty well, but has been doing a little less well lately.
The Tea Partiers are right to be worried: in a shrinking economy the elites of our society most definitely are squeezing the little guys. What I don't understand is why they think Glenn Beck or the GOP has anything to say to them.
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