As I sit here. I think about boycotting my blog. I want to write about inappropriate personal stuff. Instead I'll write about matter that is PG at its dirtiest. Also I should probably stop stealing people's cartoons too before I get in some sort of trouble with the internet cartoon police. In the meantime, thanks for the free cartoons!
Here’s the issue of the day. Today I supported the economy. The idea of spending money, by paying for goods and services that in general you, personally could do yourself. Thus supporting the economy and welfare of others. Today, I paid $13 to get my car washed. I paid for the wash for three reasons. I am too lazy to do it myself, as my dad says it’s bad to wash the gunk that’s on your car into the street and the third reason I got a $18 discount which turned a $30 car wash into a $12 car wash.
While I was at the car wash. I paid $7 to get my shoes shined. I did this, because I haven’t taken the time to shine them myself. My acts of generosity definitely passed my money around. And who really needs their shoes shined? I gave people money for things that I could do myself. In fact, I’ll have to finish one of the jobs myself. The Car washers didn’t do a good job (or maybe any job) of vacuuming my car.
I even supported the economy more today. I went out to a new Chinese restaurant that in general was fairly high quality. The Hunan Beef (or was it Szchewan?) was top notch. However its sesame chicken had only white meat (which would be a plus for those boring people who only eat white meat) and the restaurant’s fortune cookies were stale. It is a new restaurant and was very empty. So I’m guessing the stale fortune cookies were just never given out to restaurant guest in time. Another downer the restaurant charged for tea. Chinese restaurants don’t usually do this, right?
So back to the issue of the day- I was taught it was good to be well rounded. And it feels good to be competent in many things. To be self-sufficient. To be able to shine my own shoes, wash and wax my own car, take care of my own car, be a handy man, clean my house. But it is better for the economy, if I am one dimensional. I do my math, and employ people to do things that maybe I could do myself. My taxes, my cooking (restaurants and microwaveable food instead), cleaning my house, my car and my shoes.
So my questions for you, loyal readers, and random readers too: Do you ever notice this dilemma? Self-sufficiency vs. paying people to do things you could do yourself? Do you ever feel guilty for doing things on your own, that you know you could pay someone else to do? On the flip side, do you pay people for things that you wish you could do on your own? Or even feel bad for paying for things you know you could do on your own?
Interesting point of view. I never actually thought of paying someone to something I can do myself as helping the economy (even though I know it does - I majored in Economics). I've found, as I'm getting older and earning more, things I would normally do myself, I would just pay to have done since I can now afford it. The thought of helping the economy out, however, never really crossed my mind. :/
I feel like time is the most valuable thing in my life. There are many things that I pay people to do that I am sure I could do better muyself (or at least think I could do better, but either way I get satisfaction from doing it myself which is worth some rough edges), but, with Jacob, it is not plausible that I will ever get them done. As far as the economy, when you do something yourself you buy the parts from retailers, whereas professionals usually get things whoelsale so doing things yourself helps retailers at he expense of service providers. Economics is very complicated.
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