I think NBC is prejudice against the unemployed, those that work evenings and weekends and (sometimes) those that live on the west coast. For example how can NBC, which shows the Olympics on Prime Time, and Tape Delayed the same events to TVs on the West Coast even though the actual events take place in Vancouver, which happens to be in the Pacific Time Zone.
I'm okay with scheduling events so they'll be live on the East Coast at a reasonable hour, but then please, show them live on the West Coast, too. It's not fair that the East Coast gets to hear Shaun White's coach swear, and then NBC edits out for the West Coast. I'm okay with the tape delay of figure skating, and cross country skiing.
Really, it's just the snowboarding and downhill skiing I care about. Now I can't check the Internet, because the results of say, Downhill Skiing or the Women's combined are posted around 12 p.m. on all the sports websites and the NBC telecast of those events are not until prime time 8-11 p.m. I have enough will power to avoid the Internet, if I know I'll get to see the events at 8. But say, I have to teach a class from 6-9 p.m, so I'm not sure I'll see the events on tv anyways. Then I might as well see what happens when it does. And if I'm at the gym, I can't watch any channel that has a footer with scores. That's how I heard about Lindsey Jacobellis's fall and Bode Miller's bronze.
Say, you are already behind in life, either you don't have a job, or you work nights and weekends, when most of your friends are free. It, life, already sucks. The least NBC could do, is show the events live. So you can watch the Olympics on TV when they actually happen and not worry about accidentally finding out the results on yahoo's sports page or ESPN. If you lost your job, you can console yourself by knowing that at least every two years, you'll have good day-time TV (The Olympics) to distract yourself from your troubles. Who knows, it might cut down on the people that fly planes into federal buildings (in Austin, TX)... at least during the two weeks of the Olympics.
as for me, I'm going to see what NBC website has to offer. As tonight, I'm going to miss NBC's telecast of the men's super G.
next post, more Olympic coverage. I'll talk about results, favorite events, and more.
You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it
It is useful to try everything in practice anyway and I like that here it's always possible to find something new. :)
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