Thank you readers for responding to our request for true life spam success stories. We were literally deluged with your letters of concern and condolence. However, we were hoping for emails of what happened when you replied to internet spam. A couple of you managed to stay on topic so here goes:
Have you ever responded to "Hot Girls" who may "Want to Meet You", and actually met them?
Dear GTT:
I have responded to numerous solicitations to “Meet Hot Girls”, and it has mostly turned out great. The women in question tend to be surprisingly happy to meet me and I have had lots of relations with a variety of highly attractive ladies, very few of whom have later appeared on talk shows. I hide my indiscretions from my wife by telling her I am golfing (I am pretty good) so she has remained more or less blissfully ignorant. That is, until recently when she went a little Babe Ruth on my whip. But I am not too worried. I am a pretty focused person who can usually accomplish whatever task I set my mind to. I am still working out all the angles on this particular issue, but I am confident I can knock this one back onto the green. Or at least continue to see my kids. Maybe on weekends. So, again, not saying it’s totally consequence free, but overall, pretty happy with the whole “Hot Girls Want To Meet You” thing.
Yours, T
Ever gotten free stuff in response to a spam e-mail? Tell us about it.
It sounds too good to be true, but all I had to do was type my credit card numbers, SS# and address into this website: https://www.eswearthisisntas.cam
It turns out I had the winning numbers so now I will be receiving free Viagra and free Breast Enhancement Cream! Seems a little redundant doesn’t it?
-John Q. Gullible
If you are making $100-$200 a day from your home, please let us know how that's going and what you actually do?
It’s true! I make at least this much every day without leaving the comfort of my bedroom, or sometimes my boyfriend drops me off at a motel.
Gotten money from Bill Gates for buying a Windows product? or gotten a free vacation? or gotten to test and keep (for free) the latest in electronic gadgetry?
Dear Unwashed Masses,
Please, please stop emailing me about this. I mean really…stop it. I know that I am a little smarter than most people, but how dumb do you have to be? Yet my inbox is clogged every single morning! I have to change my MSN address like twice a week. It is really getting to be a problem. So let me put this out there: don’t ever respond to any internet promotion containing the words “Bill", "Gates" and "Free”. Please. In fact, unless you are my wife, my girlfriend, my accountant or CEO of a company named after a piece of fruit, then you can feel confident that I don’t want to hear from you. Really. I mean it! Thanks.
-W. Gates
Has anyone ever been generously given a winning a lottery ticket or been sent money from a dead relative that you didn't know existed? What are you doing with your millions?
To Whom Is Concerned,
This has all happened to me many times over and some more! You will be happy to meet my positive experiences with TrustTrueNexTechHappyCatCo. The corporation formerly known as TrustTrueNexTechHappyCatCo is the best place for giving them and us your money. TrustTrueNexTechHappyCatCo will invest your savings of life in a diversified portfolio of opportunities and risk-chances that could see one or the other of us rich! rIch! RIICh! rR1Ch!!!!! RICH.rtf
-Charles Dickens
Lagos, Nigeria
1 comment:
You are a funny man, El Capitan.
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