I write today. First I would I like to thank all our anonymous readers out there, for making it seem like we have more readers than we actually do. Even if you just are trying to get us to by Viagra, or separate us from our money for no worthwhile product. We really need to make it look like this blog is the blog to read.
So (as long as you count on our counter) Spam away!
[I was like 8 comments on my blog. I don't know if I have eight friends that read this blog.]
(as if) R.I.P.B.M.
We, here at Georgetown Tales, know that hot girls (not married to us) don't really want to see us. Unless, we spend lots of money on them or are Tiger Woods (I think even he had to spend lots of money on them, but maybe that's just a rumor). People do not want to give us money for nothing. Nor do they want to give us "free laptops", "free ipods" or "free trips to the Bahamas". Bill Gates doesn't want to help the economy, simply by giving away his money to all Americans. That's just not his style.
People may make $200/day working for home. But I'm not sure how that works. and somehow I know I would wind up on the shorthand of the stick or maybe I would become another Spammer. Besides, I already work for "the man." and the worst part is that my particular "man" isn't doing that well in this economy.
I don't want to try products for free. Because I have a tough enough time ending relationships as it is. and I don't want to go to the hassle of canceling after receiving your product. Plus there is the off chance, you'll charge my credit card. (and thanks S C D), it happened once and took me two months to clear the charges.
But Spammers, Spam away. We have a symbiotic relationship. Readers, if something seems so good that besides your better judgment you have to check it out, go ahead and click on it!
From personal experience, just don't give away your e-mail address and use a public computer. That way if you get a virus, you'll cause problems for a whole public computer system, at the library or a school as opposed to your own.
But don't do it at work, you might get fired.
So Readers, we, at Georgetown Tales, are having a world-wide search.
If you have ever soliticited hot girls, and actually met them or gotten a free product in response to a Spam e-mail. Please let us know. How many other products did you have to buy? how long did it take?
We, here at Georgetown Tales, are very curious. if you are making $100-$200 a day from your home, please let us know how that's going and what you actually do. Gotten money from Bill Gates for buying a Windows product? or gotten a free vacation? or gotten to test and keep (for free) the latest in electronic gadgetry?
And of course, I'm forgetting the big ones: who's been generously given a winning a lottery ticket or sent money from a dead relative? (that you didn't even know you had) preferably one that was living in Nigeria. please share your success story. what are you doing with the millions of dollars?
Loyal readers, in my next week's column I'll write some of internet Spam's success stories. The lottery winners of the internet age. They didn't even need to buy a ticket!
Of course, if you've had a Spam disaster, please tell us to. What happened, what are were the consequences?
You can read our Spam success stories and learn where you went wrong. Maybe you too can meet hot, local, young women or get to test and keep a new flatscreen TV.
Find out what it is exactly that separates Spam disaster from Spam success in next week's column.
(no guarantees, when that column will actually appear).
1 comment:
I think it would make for an excellent book if someone were to answer all the spam just to see what happened. I bet it would sell well.
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