I just saw Half-Nelson (it's a Free Movie, if you have On Demand by Comcast). Ryan Goslin stars as a drug addicted junior high History teacher.
My joke that is ruined is this... Someone says, you know I wish I were a rock star...
I said, I don't. If being a rock star made you happy, why do Rock Stars use so many drugs?
so maybe it's just a movie (Half Nelson) and it's really rare that high school teachers are addicted to crack/coke... I just don't know that many math teachers that use drugs... but then I never been a high school math teacher. Am I naive?
I know there are P.E. teachers and football coaches, that hook up with the high school girls. I've heard it on the media, and am pretty sure it happened at a rival high school. I know there are female teachers that elope with their junior high students. South Park's episode on this subject is classic. I just think, or should I say hope, that teachers are for the most part happy/content.
But it's possible, I have no idea what I am talking about. Maybe our teachers went after school to the backroom of a bar and got "high" and made comparisons on which student asked the stupidest question or came to class stoned, drunk or with a hickey, and then hooked up with each other. And really wish that they were Rock Stars and not teachers.
Maybe the math teachers that O.D. don't get that much media coverage and that's why I have this notion, that math teachers are generally happier than rock stars.
At this point, it should be obvious that I'm making the assumption that heavy drug use and true happiness don't go together (remember, my joke).
1 comment:
That is a great movie althouhg the coke addiction did seem unrealistic to me; anyone who could get through teacher schol could probably keep it together enough to not smoke so much crack. But, I really liked the portrayal of the main character's frustration with set curriculum and his ambivalence about how much to get in involved in the personal problems of students. I know this sounds weird since the movie is mostly about how Gosling is a crackhead, but that seemed mostly like a device to create dramatic tension. For me, the little details of his professional life were much more interesting than his over-the-top descent into crackheadedness.
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