This whole primary politics thing has gotten me really confused. Most of the Republicans change their position on something, from Mitt Romney, switching from Pro-Choice as Massachusetts governor to Pro-Life and John McCain moving towards the right. So are these permanent changes, or when the general election comes will the candidates move back to the middle. I'm confused. Is this just talk? or is this written in stone or at least on paper?
For one thing, McCain says I'm for small government and for balancing the budget like Reagan Reagan didn't balance the budget, ever, and because the military is part of the government, he wasn't really for small government either. So McCain, are you for what Reagan said or what he did? and can I get that on paper? with a signature? by the way McCain seems like a good guy... I mean that, I don't think he'll be a bad president, he doesn't seem to have any unresolved, child, helpless, sadness issues, like our current commander in chief. ask me to explain and expound on my psychoanalysis of our current president if it interest you.
Now to what you are waiting for: If I'm going to have a reality show looking for a first lady... I need to have a presidential platform and to make it easier on all the simpletons out there, like myself, I'm going to tell you right now at age 31, where I stand on the issues in writing. It will be interesting to see if I am a man of my word, when, 30 years from now, I take the oval office.
Capital Punishment: Opposed. Quite simply the argument for capital punishment is: it's a deterrent to murderers. Really it's about revenge. Because I think there are things worse than death and I think some murderers would rather get rid of a person and die, than live and have the other person live too, I don't think it is as good a deterent as some people think. Life is sacred, a miracle even if you aren't religious and aren't a moron, and the government shouldn't kill people. Exceptions might be psychopaths, with no redeeming social value. But I'm willing not to kill psychopaths, in order to be consistently against capital punishment. What do I wish for my worst enemies? Well, first I hope they get herpes. Secondly, a chronic sprained ankle. Third, no friends. Fourth, they must have the tv on at all times, forced to watch the absolute worst program on at that time period, lots of daytime tv, and they can't flip the channel during the commercials. Make them watch a lot of the thirty-minute-paid-programming stuff. Finally, take them to an Indian casino, don't let them leave until they are broke.
Abortion: Pro-Choice. I think this is a bigger issue than just Roe v. Wade. Also, I'm against abstinence (and of course) and abstienence-only education. I think they are related. I think junior high students should be handed condoms at school. They would have to go pick them up, with no people in front of the pile of condoms, but a hidden camara. Only the school nurse could know who picked up the condoms, she could of course post this web cam on the internet, to raise money to pay for the condoms. Students should be discouraged from having sex until they reach 18 years of age. Girls should be reminded that they have a bright future ahead of them, if they don't get pregnant. We should do everything in our power to make that preceding sentence true. Lots of teen parents don't think they have a future and decide that the best thing to do is have a child now, with their parents to help support it (this is supported by psychological study, basically teen pregnancies aren't accidents, statistically speaking. of course, some are). Girls with future, probably A: aren't having sex or B: are using protection. Adoption should be an option, but if the woman wants to have an abortion (an extremely emotionally painful event), because she was knocked up by a pastor, priest or raped. She can have one. She has a choice.
More of my platform to follow, including my economic and environmental policies.
1 comment:
Excellent poltiical analysis. If I meet any eligible/ambitious bachelorettes I will send them your way.
Also...you are against abstinence education or abstinence-only education? I could go either way, btu I am pretty sure most of the population that is for sex-ed is only against abstinence-only.
And on last thought: do youhave a running mate (a VP, not the first lady you are looking for). I recommend Dr. G. Possibly there could be a side challenge of finding him a first consort.
Looking forward to more on this.
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