You probably think the above is a reference to the troubling events in Myanmar. Well, it’s not.
A smart person once told me that the secret to a good blog is self-deprecation. And Google has plenty to say on the connection between blogging and self-deprecating humor as well. Apparently people love to hear you go into painful detail about your own humiliating life. Apparently self-immolation or “roasting yourself” (hence the photo up top) is the highest form of bloggery.
My coauthor, GeorgeCostanza’s#1Fan, has consistently made an eloquent show of publicly baring his soul on these pages from the get go so, in the interest of making up lost time quickly and efficiently, I present here an annotated catalog of my personal failures to date:
1. Ate glue. 1
2. Cheated on spelling test (and still got word wrong). 2
3. Locked my brother in dark basement. 3
4. Ate the last slice of pie. 4
5. Stole food from supermarket. 5
6. Broke up with girlfriend by acting distant until she decided to break up with me. 6
7. Didn’t stand up for myself at a frat bar when drunk guy was being a jerk. 7
8. Did a little before I got to the party and then acted surprised when bag looked light. 8
9. Ripped someone off for 35 dollars in purchase of used stereo. 9
10. When I was drinking too much at a work party and started to make an ass of myself, my supervisor convinced me to go home before I did any lasting damage, but I was too embarrassed to thank him the next day. 10
11. Left the state with outstanding speeding tickets and/or bench warrants three different times. 11
12. Cheated at Trivial Pursuit by making up fake question on the final round. 12
13. Lied to one of my students to cover up a paperwork error that lowered their semester grade. 13
14. Didn’t take out the trash when I promised I would. 14
1 1st grade, bottle claims it’s non-toxic
2 Lesson: only cheat off people smarter than you
3 Only for like 5 minutes
4 1,397 times as of last Tuesday
5 More than just a handful of bulk candy (although I do that all the time too).
6 She wasn’t really a good person anyway
7 He was a ~250lb Division 1 hockey player
8 Note: after this happens a few times, even your close friends start to get suspicious
9 Actually, I have no excuse. He was a friendly, honest guy and I totally Jewed15 him.
10 No real excuse here either
11 One of the states was New Jersey
12 Frankly, that takes more brains than just knowing a bunch of trivial crap
13 If they were really so smart they would have known I was lying and gone to the principal
14 10,462 times as of this morning
15 I can say that because I am Jewish on my mom’s side
I hope this has been a cathartic peak into the dark reaches of my petty, cowardly, thieving, little soul. Please come back soon.
1 comment:
Wait, was Evil Spock that smart person?
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